Looking in the Mirror
Question: Have you ever heard that a baby who hasn't grown teeth yet shouldn't look in the mirror?
Answer:A classical Bubbe maase.
BookID: Chapter:
Question: Have you ever heard that a baby who hasn't grown teeth yet shouldn't look in the mirror?
Answer:A classical Bubbe maase.
BookID: Chapter:
Question: Is it forbidden to look into someone else's garden just as it is forbidden to look into someone's house? Answer: It is forbidden to look into another Jew’s yard and watch the people there (Ramo, C.M. 154:3, 154:7). If your Jewish neighbor will minimize his activities as a result, it is as if you…
Question: At what age should one begin morning negel wasser on a baby? Answer:It is appropriate to train a child to wash 3 times on alternating hands when the child is capable of doing so himself. (That is the age of higia lechinuch for this mitzva). Generally that is around 3 -4 years old. Younger than…
Question: אני נוסע לחו''ל ורוצה להשכיר הדירה שלי לזמן בלתי מוגבל ורצוני לברר אם יועיל לחייב ערב על דמי השכירות, ובאיזה אופן יש לעשותו. Answer: אפשר להתחייב כערב גם על דמי שכירות קרקע, שאם השוכר לא ישלם דמי השכירות יוכל המשכיר לתבוע הערב את דמי השכירות.[1] ונראה דלאחר מקום חתימת השוכר, יש להוסיף נוסח הזה:…
Question: Answer: A Nation of Families The Seder experience is designed to make sure we focus on our families and particularly on our children.[1] The Haggodoh directs us to discuss the story of our suffering and deliverance and eat the meal together with our families. If we were offering the korban Pesach, we would be…
Question: Is it forbidden to look into someone else's garden just as it is forbidden to look into someone's house? Answer: It is forbidden to look into another Jew’s yard and watch the people there (Ramo, C.M. 154:3, 154:7). If your Jewish neighbor will minimize his activities as a result, it is as if you…
Question: I am travelling from Ramat Beit Shemesh to Jerusalem via Shaar Hagai. Am I obligated to say Tefillas Haderech? If so, where should I say the brocho. Does the same apply for travel from Jerusalem to Ramat Beit Shemesh? Answer: Tefillas Haderech should be said whenever one travels an uninterrupted distance of 9.216 kilometers…