Looking in the Mirror
Question: Have you ever heard that a baby who hasn't grown teeth yet shouldn't look in the mirror?
Answer:A classical Bubbe maase.
BookID: Chapter:
Question: Have you ever heard that a baby who hasn't grown teeth yet shouldn't look in the mirror?
Answer:A classical Bubbe maase.
BookID: Chapter:
Question: I just got a new toaster, and when I was going to open it, I discovered that the screw head is not a standard one; I'll need a Torx® Key to open it. In case you don't know, a Torx® key is exactly like a screwdriver, except that instead of a flat head or…
Question: Answer: סיכום של השיטות העיקריות בסוגית אסמכתא: כל דאי הוה אסמכתא ולא קנה שאין גמירות דעת סומכת שיהיה או לא יהיה, ואפילו אמר בפני עדים ובשטר לא מהני (רמב''ם פי''א ממכירה ה''ו), וכ''ש בקנסות שקונס את עצמו. הרמב''ם כתב דכשהקנין נגמר ומחזיק בחפץ ומתנה תנאי שאם לא יתקיים יתבטל העסק, אי''ז אסמכתא אלא…
Question: I have read that one is not supposed to wear tefillin during Mussaf on Rosh Chodesh. How important is this? 1. Once I forgot to take them off and only realized in the middle of Shemoneh Esrei. Should I have stopped in the middle, removed them, and continued, or left them on? 2. Another…
Question: Answer: One of the more important contributions the Jewish people gave the world is basic morals. John Adams wrote to Francis Adrian van der Kemp in 1808: “I will insist that the Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation.” Three thousand years ago the Jews taught: Do not murder, steal,…
Question: I am curious about the use of microwave ovens for both milchig and fleishig. Is it permissible to use a microwave for both as long as they are covered and the microwave is kept clean, or is it preferable to use it for only one or the other? Answer: The preferred method is to…
Question: I am flying to Canada the night of Shiv'ah Asar BeTammuz, arriving in Toronto at 6 a.m. (same time zone as New York). At what point in the flight does my fast start? Answer: The fast starts at amud hashachar, which is around 72 minutes before sunrise. To be accurate, it really depends on…