Looking in the Mirror
Question: Have you ever heard that a baby who hasn't grown teeth yet shouldn't look in the mirror?
Answer:A classical Bubbe maase.
BookID: Chapter:
Question: Have you ever heard that a baby who hasn't grown teeth yet shouldn't look in the mirror?
Answer:A classical Bubbe maase.
BookID: Chapter:
Question: In a recent Q&A, the Rav quoted the Ramo and the Mechaber as stating that one should not drink wine and listen to music –even with one's wife. When my wife and I lived in Jerusalem, we tried to go out for a nice meal once a month. When we moved to RBS, we…
Question: Just over a year ago, we were told that the machsan we were using did not belong to us, so we switched to a different machsan, which the vaad habayit "thinks" is ours (there are no numbers on the machsanim and nobody is actually sure which one belongs to whom). We were told that…
Question: To refine the question, as far as I know the oil splatters were from just "spitting" oil from the frying process – I don't know what might have splattered out when the schnitzel was added. The frying oil alone just "jumps" out of the pan. Also the pot was uncovered (I don't remember the…
Question: Is it an aveiroh to sit on a dining room table? I have heard that a table is likened to a mizbeach and one shouldn't do it, but is it an actual prohibition? Answer: The common saying that one should not sit on a table because a table is like a mizbeach is partially…
Question: When my wife wakes in the middle of the night for feedings is she required to wash her hands every single time? What about when she wants a drink of water with these feedings? Does she have to wash her hands before making a shehakol? Answer: Upon awaking in the middle of the night…
Question: ישנה חולה בביתינו שצריך תרופות המוגדרות כחמץ ע''י בית המרקחת, כלומר שהתרופות מכילים חמץ או קטניות או שנתבשלו בכלי חמץ. זה נסיון גדול בשבילנו וכמה שיהא קשה אנו מוכנים לעשות רצון ד'. מה התורה וחז''ל רוצים שנעשה כדי ליזהר שהחולה לא יאכל חמץ? Answer: חולה שיש בו סכנה חושיב''ס, בין שהמחלה שיש לו עלולה…