Looking in the Mirror
Question: Have you ever heard that a baby who hasn't grown teeth yet shouldn't look in the mirror?
Answer:A classical Bubbe maase.
BookID: Chapter:
Question: Have you ever heard that a baby who hasn't grown teeth yet shouldn't look in the mirror?
Answer:A classical Bubbe maase.
BookID: Chapter:
Question: In your weekly Chumash class, you raised the following question: If Hashem only sends one mal'och per task (see Rashi on Bereishis 18:2), why did the angels tell Lot that "we" are destroying this area (Bereishis 19:13)? In response to your question about "mashchisim anachnu" (in the plural), you mentioned an opinion that the…
Question: A friend of ours borrowed an item of ours for a couple of months. During normal use, the item broke to the point where it cannot be repaired. Does she have to replace it, or is it up to us to replace it, seeing as it broke in the normal course of use? Answer:…
Question: Strangely enough, a scallion plant sprouted in the middle of our lawn after Rosh Hashonoh. I have no idea when it took root, but chances are it was before Rosh Hashonoh (I am guessing it came in with the grass). Due to the uncertainty, should I assume that issur sefichim applies to it? If…
Question: We are moving house soon, can we ask the current owners to leave the mezuzos behind, or is it up to them to decide whether to leave them? Answer: They have to leave their mezuzos unless they or you will be painting the apartment. It is their responsibility to leave them; it is not…
Question: I learned in the Mishna Berura that one should put on one's tallis and tefillin at home and then walk to shul. The Mechaber, Ramo and M.B. are all in agreement that this is the mitzva min hamuvchar. The only heter they mention for not doing it is if one were going to walk…
Question: I am trying to get a true understanding of what happened to "Acher." The Gemoro (Kiddushin 39b) gives two alternatives as to what caused Acher to sin. Either he saw a child fall from the tree while fulfilling the mitzvos of honoring his father and sending away a mother bird or he was overwhelmed…