
Fleishig, Milchig, Plastic Follow-Up


To refine the question, as far as I know the oil splatters were from just "spitting" oil from the frying process – I don't know what might have splattered out when the schnitzel was added. The frying oil alone just "jumps" out of the pan. Also the pot was uncovered (I don't remember the lid being even partially on – will check but I don't think I washed it so probably not) so some of the splatters can be assumed to have landed in the food itself. That said the splatters were certainly less than 1/60 of the food in the pot. Most of the splatters I noticed were on the horizontal rim of the pot and on the metal handle (which also gets hot). It's pretty much a certainty that the pot was at yad soledes bo or at least the food was.

I see a lot of ifs in the Rav's explanation (actually I get a bit lost as soon as I see machlokos haposkim) so I hope that with the above info the Rav can suggest which way to proceed. (I have questions about kashering the pot as I'm not sure how we would get it inside a bigger pot)

In addition to the use of the pot since Shabbos for a parve dish which I mentioned last time, tonight the pot in question was used to cook pasta, and the same wooden spoon used to stir a pasta sauce (made in a different parve pot), both of which were eaten on milky plates (but with no milk around – the plates can be pretty safely assumed to be over 24 hours from milk use and if not, only cold milk). Would any transfer there cause a problem?

There was also the interaction of a plastic strainer (parve) and plastic straining spoon (parve) with the pasta and pot. I wasn't there to see the details.

This is now seeming very involved and I'm almost inclined to suggest calling everything meaty and being done with it but I don't want to annoy my wife with this so I hope this isn't now terribly complicated.

Thank you!!!!


In order to clarify this issue I will write the question as I understand it now and answer accordingly.

Question: A large pareve pot was on the stove with pareve food in it. Along side it I was frying some schnitzel and when I dropped a piece in the frying pan some of the fleishig oil splashed out and hit the side of the pareve pot. There was a pareve ladle in the pareve pot with the food. I washed the pot with cold water, is it still pareve?

From the information you offer it seems that the pot does need to kashered but the food is pareve and one is halachically permitted to eat the food together with other  milchig's.  (It may not be practicaI as I  assume that by now the food has been consumed or disposed of). The important points are that the pot was yad soledes bo, oil from the fleishig pan hit the outside of the pan and also went into the food, but all together there wasn't more than 1:60.

To kasher the pot you can clean it out well, wait 24 hours since the oil splattered on it, and fill it with water and bring it to a boil. Placing the cover on it is helpful to bring it to a bubbling boil. The rim of the pot also needs to be kashered so boil other water in an electric hot water kettle and while that is boiling, pour it into the pot so that the pot will overflow slightly. The outside of the pot does not need to have hot water poured over it, but the top rim does need to be kashered.

Any food that had been cooked in that pot after 24 hours from the time the oil splattered on to it can be eaten directly with milchig's, although you should not plan to cook pasta in there and mix it with cottage cheese or other milchig food. The heter to eat the pasta that was made together with milk is because it already was mixed with cheese.

Furthermore, this pasta can always be placed on milchig plates and eaten with dairy cutlery, even if we know the cutlery was recently (in the last 24 hours) used for dairy. (Y.D. 95:2 Rema).

Also, the spoon that was in the original pot that had been splattered on, can be used even within the first 24 hour period after the splash, with milk  or dairy dish that is yad soledes bo. If the food had 60:1 then the spoon also could not have picked up any flavor and can be used for meals that have dairy in them. Even if there wasn't 60:1 in the food to the oil  it would be permitted to use the spoon for pareve food that you will just put on milchig plates even if the food was hot. If you wanted to use the spoon for pasta that will have cheese put on top, we have come to a machlokes between the Yad Yehuda # 20 and the Pri Megadim #9 if one can be gorem 3 nots lechatchila. the Pri Megadim is lenient and one can rely on him in this situation since the mechaber even allows one to be gorem 2 nots lechatchila, see yad yehuda # 20.)

Similarly, any interaction of the pasta with a strainer or straining spoon cannot pose a  problem.

BookID: 2 Chapter: 95

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